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Paul Rashid MD
A Psychiatrist and Writer

Paul Rashid MD is a recovery-oriented and board-certified psychiatrist. He is the first medically-trained psychiatrist to complete the Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Fellowship through the San Diego VA Healthcare System. Dr. Rashid’s goal is to educate people worldwide about the emerging field of social therapy, empowering them to overcome disabling psychological symptoms and helping them to thrive!
"Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity".
Health as defined by the World Health Organization
Hello, my name is Paul Rashid. I am American of Lebanese descent and a board-certified psychiatrist. I am passionate about educating people aboutmedication-free ways to reduce stress and achieve optimal mental and physical health.
My path to becoming a psychiatrist started at an early age with my interest in the human story. I had always been fascinated by psychology, human behavior, and the human mind; I believe the human mind is the ultimate final frontier of mankind. I was a kid who loved comic books, movies, and books—fiction and nonfiction alike—those works share the common theme of the human story. Psychiatry is my true calling and a very fulfilling career, blending my passion for science and the human condition. What excites me about recovery work is knowing that you don’t have to continue to be a prisoner to mental illness. Recovery is possible!
My medical education began at the Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine at Marshall University. My psychiatry specialization was completed through West Virginia University, and I had the honor of serving as the Chief Psychiatry Resident during my senior year of residency.
After about a year of practicing psychiatry at a state hospital, I decided to pursue an additional year of training, this time in a fellowship focusing exclusively on psychosocial rehabilitation and recovery for severe mental illness through the La Jolla San Diego, California, VA healthcare system.
This is where my interest in recovery began and continues to this day. Since then, I have been helping people struggling with every form of mental illness. I am American Board Certified in Psychiatry and I have clinical work experience in outpatient clinics, VA medical centers, state hospitals and community hospitals.
One thing that might surprise you to know is that I am in recovery from panic and anxiety. My journey through medical school, residency, and clinical work as a psychiatrist has been filled with continuous challenges, and I use daily psychological practices to manage my stress level.
In my first book, Recovery Revolution, I share with you my medication-free ways to coping with psychological stress. In a world of ever-increasing complexity and uncertainty, I am proud of you for taking the first step towards your recovery. Empower yourself to take the next step in your recovery, now!
I recently completed a documentary film, The Comic Book Collector: A Journey of Letting Go, based on my fascination with comic books, superheroes and collecting for over 30 years. I document my journey of donating some of my comic book collection with children in my home community. I also explore our collective fascination with superheroes and discover their deep roots in the human psyche.
I am currently writing a superhero comic book full of action and detective work, while also preserving a sense of reality. When selecting a theme for my story, I wanted to address current and socially relevant topics that are affecting our nation, and the world, at starling rates. I address societal and individual issues including anxiety, depression, suicide, alcoholism, opiate addiction, nutrition and pollution. Hopefully, this will allow us all to start having conversations about this difficult and at times, painful topics, and start the path of healing. All the while, seamlessly weaving in actionable suggestions and coping strategies that the reader can benefit, while enjoying an entertaining story. I look forward to sharing updates on this comic book project as they arise and I look forward to any feedback you may have.